Liberty, Lies, and Tort Reform

The Republican Party, traditionally aligned with free market principles, has increasingly supported tort reform measures aimed at limiting personal injury litigation and curbing the influence of personal injury attorneys. However, this shift raises concerns about the party’s commitment to the principles of free markets and individual liberty. In this article, we will explore how Republicans have turned their back on free markets by embracing tort reform and explain why such measures are contradictory to their core values.

Undermining Individual Rights and Limited Government

Republicans have long championed individual rights and limited government intervention. However, in Missouri, the Republican-led legislature has introduced and passed several tort reform measures that undermine these fundamental principles. For instance, Missouri’s Senate Bill 7, signed into law in 2021, imposes strict liability thresholds, making it more difficult for individuals to seek compensation for their injuries. This interference contradicts the party’s belief in the power of free markets and the importance of personal responsibility.

The Fallacy of Market Efficiency

Tort reform advocates often argue that limiting liability claims promotes market efficiency and reduces the burden on businesses. However, Missouri’s tort reform measures ignore the role of personal injury attorneys and the market-correcting function they serve. By holding negligent parties accountable, personal injury attorneys help maintain market accountability, incentivize responsible behavior, and protect consumers. The implementation of such reforms fails to recognize the vital role personal injury attorneys play in upholding justice and safeguarding individual rights.

Ignoring the Role of Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal injury attorneys in Missouri and across the United States play a vital role in upholding justice and protecting individual rights. However, Republican-led tort reform measures aim to limit the influence of personal injury attorneys and restrict access to justice for those harmed by negligence or misconduct. By undermining the crucial role of personal injury attorneys, Republicans in Missouri undermine the principles of a just and equitable society that align with free market values.

The Unintended Consequences of Tort Reform

Tort reform measures often have unintended consequences that undermine free market principles. In Missouri, these consequences are evident in the wake of Senate Bill 7. By imposing strict liability thresholds and damage caps, the legislation may create moral hazard by reducing the incentives for businesses to invest in safety measures and product quality. Moreover, arbitrary damage caps can lead to undercompensation for victims, shifting the burden of costs onto taxpayers and social welfare programs. These outcomes are contrary to the principles of free markets, individual responsibility, and limited government intervention that Republicans traditionally champion.

Protecting Corporate Interests

Critics argue that Republicans’ support for tort reform is driven by close ties to corporate interests rather than a commitment to free markets. In Missouri, this criticism holds weight as the tort reform measures align with the interests of large corporations seeking to shield themselves from accountability and limit their financial exposure. By prioritizing corporate profits over the principles of free markets and individual liberty, Republicans in Missouri risk compromising their core values.


Republicans’ embrace of tort reform, as seen in Missouri’s recent legislation, represents a departure from their traditional support for free markets and limited government intervention. By introducing measures that undermine individual rights, ignore the role of personal injury attorneys, and prioritize corporate interests, Republicans in Missouri have turned their back on the principles they claim to uphold. It is essential for Republicans to reevaluate their stance on tort reform, recognizing that personal injury litigation and the role of personal injury attorneys are crucial components of a fair and accountable society aligned with the core values of free markets and individual liberty.