What is War Good For?

Fiat Empires and Not Much Else by Ian Patrick Freighleigh

We don’t know what is going on in the war in Ukraine. We have had senators say that it is basically a proxy war.

Some people think Putin is just dying and this is a bizarre grasp at final power. 

Things that aren’t good for fiat-money and empire-building are the ability to transfer wealth across national borders. This is what happened in the trucker convoy in Canada. Things were getting shut down, and bitcoin allowed the truckers access to crowd-funded money without the ability for the government to shut down those transactions.

It’s a fascinating thought process, when nation-states can’t completely control the ability to transfer wealth. What does this mean for sanctions? Our nation has taken positions of regime change or supporting rebels or whatever the case. Corrupt politicians colluded with central bankers to leverage US money supply to fund foreign wars with an inflation tax. A wealth transfer event from the American taxpayer to politically connected sociopaths.

It’s clear to see when you look into it, Wall Street has captured the regulatory authorities and is essentially an unregulated cartel. Bitcoin is decentralized. Is this the new “Capitalism versus Communism” debate? Centralized versus Decentralized? 

What if centralized thinking is greatly inhibiting our ability to innovate. What if letting a group of war-hungry, blood-thirsty politicians run us headlong into World War III is a bad idea? I’m not particularly happy that our nation essentially transferred wealth from American taxpayers to War Contractors and Bailed-Out banks. You privatize the upside, and socialize the downside? What the hell sense does any of this make?

You should be starting to lose trust in your federal government. If printing money into oblivion wasn’t a red flag for you, let WWIII open your eyes about your ability to trust your leaders. 

What if we all took small steps to fight against Wall Street sucking money out of our communities? Let’s think ahead about payments and transactions, let’s take advantage of decentralized tools to take our county off the Wall Street Debtor Grid. 

It wouldn’t change overnight, but gradually, then all at once. That is how Hemingway described bankruptcy — Maybe the US is simply bankrupt? 🏹